We’d love to hear about your experience

Pregnancy is an important but sometimes difficult time in the life of a woman and a couple. Pregnant women receive a lot of information and advice about various risks, and it is not always easy to know what to think about it.

With the SAGE project, we want to better understand how you find and evaluate such information, in order to create tools that will help futures mothers and their partners to see things more clearly.

As pregnancy is a couple’s story, we have created two questionnaires, one for you and one for your partner. Participation from both individuals is not mandatory but is encouraged.

The questionnaire takes about 20 minutes to complete. If you can’t finish it in one go, you can save your answers et complete the questionnaire later.

The questionnaire does not contain any information that would allow us to know who you are. The answers will be treated in a strictly confidential and anonymous.

Questionnaire for pregnant women Questionnaire for partners